Turbine offers a new path forward with Simulated Cell™. A platform to simulate biological experiments before you run them – in a cell, animal or even in patients. This approach addresses the urgent need for more efficient and accurate predictions on how therapies or targets will function in patients, helping to guide real-life experiments and reduce costly failures at any stage of the R&D process.

  • To shift the paradigm in R&D, we need AI to understand how a novel therapy or target will function where it matters the most – in patients.

    It must be nimble, able to be implemented at any point in the R&D process and capable of quickly identifying the right real-life experiments to progress with.

  • Human biology is governed by the concert of our cells. We believe that at a deeper level, all cellular behavior is driven by proteins and their interactions.

    Our platform learns this universal language from scalable experiments and applies its knowledge to predict the response of models it has never seen before, ranging from engineered cell lines to patient samples.

  • Our breakthrough technology generates actionable results in half the time required to train other AI models.

    It also helps explain the biological mechanisms at play to reveal hypotheses with the greatest potential to benefit patients and to identify the exact experiments needed for validation.

  • Turbine offers a new path forward with Simulated Cell(tm). A platform to simulate biological experiments before you run them – in a cell, animal or even in patients.

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              Catch Szabolcs Nagy, our CEO, at BiotechX EU 2024!
              Turbine Achieves Key Milestone in Collaboration with Ono Pharmaceutical